Soo... every year since Charli Jo was born I have been very diligent about her making it to the dentist for her annual teeth check up, well it just so happens that I tend to plan that right before her birthday so since it's September it is that time of year again. Now I know the first years do seem pointless but I am a firm believer that it is never too late to get your children in the habit of good hygiene. The sooner the better. And we still are not perfect about it but it seems the more years we have under our belts together the better. Heck, I just wish my own parents would have been more sticklers about it towards me when i was young. Any way moving on. Last year they tried getting "pictures" of her pearly whites but it didn't happen but this year take one guess as to which little girl got up in the x-ray chair all on her own. Yup, you got it and I'm sure you didn't even need the picture on the left. But just in case you did need it there she is bright smile and all. After getting her pictures taken of her teeth it was time to go back to the procedure area and if you have kids you know how that usually goes.

Well not for our little big girl Charli Jo! That little stinker was beyond perfect it almost made me cry during her entire appointment while she was getting her teeth cleaned for the very first time. Every other moment I had to suck it up or distract myself from how much of a big girl she was being. She was even a great little helper too! She helped her hygienist by holding her bib down on her chest and maintaining to keep her mouth open almost the entire time from the very moment she laid back on the table and turned the light on. I am sure however that having Dora on the TV in the ceiling helped a whole, whole bunch too but I still think a lot of the credit is due to all that practice we have had and conversations about what to expect when we go show the dentist how pearly clean our teeth are. Let's just hope that mommy gets better at the routine herself. Geezers, this kid is really putting me to shame, I gotta step my game up and quick. The only thing that made it awkward was the poor five or six year old boy that came in and sat at the table next to her. That kids poor mom was having to hold him down and force his mouth open and pull all kinds of "mom tricks".

When her hygienist was done she absolutely got the "all clear" on having no cavities but they did say that she has almost no space in between her teeth meaning she may be likely to have to have braces when her adult teeth come in. It's too early to tell but hopefully those puppies space themselves out or else mommy and daddy better lock in prices today! lol After her dentist was done she got a token to get a prize out of the toy machine and I even let her hop up on the wooden zebra rocking horse to get her picture taken for being so amazing. Now hopefully all the rest of her appointments in the future go this smoothly. Way to go Charli Jo, you make us sooo proud baby girl!!! Now stop growing up so quickly!
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