quick ten points if you can finish that tune and name its place of origin.
well, here is the lil kentucky country house i will be moving into in december. rox suggested and i concur, chicken will be a must.
also we went to the grand ol oprey. it was uneventful but including an image so you dont forget our faces.
(and cody)
Land spreadin out so far and wide, keep Manhattan just give me that countryside! Dang, what was that show called??? I love you too!!!
ReplyDeleteGreen Achers is the place for me......I know every word and my kids make me sing it ALL the time. New York is where I'd rather stay...I get alergic smelling hay....I just adore a pinthouse view...Darlin I love ya but give me Park Ave.....need I go on????? I lvoe it and can't wait to see the chicken coop!
ReplyDeletewoops. Not hure the h goes in acers???
ReplyDeleteactualy i'm drunk! yah! That explaines the bad speling, right. Had you thinking all this time I was phonicsly challanged but I'm really a raging alcoholic! Yes even when I was in 3rd grade! so HA!Sheeeesh! Now the bad typing...that could have something to do with the crack withdrawls, but whos to say........
ReplyDeleteAcres,sis,acres! What are you playing the crack card for, we all know it's just your ankylosing spondilitis acting up and affecting your brain, or maybe it's causing tremors, that sounds even better! No need to blame crack when you probably have a perfectly good debilitating disease to blame all your problems on. Come on now, learn to play the game!
ReplyDelete...what I love is how Roxie mis-spells "sure" (hure) in her e-mail about mis-spelling "acres"! I think the ol' Kentucky home looks like a great spot to contemplate and ponder the good things in life -- but I concur, it absolutely needs a chicken coop! With some of those pretty little banty chickens that lay the little colored eggs...
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way, Green Acres was the farm owned by Oliver and Lisa (Mr. and Mrs. Doublas to the hired help) and was located somewhere between Hooterville and Petticoat Junction, not far from the ol' stompin' grounds of Jed, Granny, Jethro and Elly-Mae before they struck it rich and moved to Beverly (Hills, that is.)
ReplyDeletehere is the part that really make me love my big sis, misspelling and all.... you spent the better part of your life living on a road called arbor acres!! i love you guys.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY!!! I remember being almost as thankfull for our PO Box address as I was for chairs. I could never spell Arbor or Acres! So...... what have we all learned????? I get half of the "10 points" for knowing what show the song was from and kate gets the other 5 for finnishing it, and mom gets a big fat nothing for google-ing all those other details! :b!!!! HeHeHaHa! XOXOXOXO and more love!