Good Morning all! Just wanted to post some pics of the Little's enjoying there Turkey bacon and toast this morning. I think Evey may have enjoyed her toast more than usual. Maybe cause she didn't eat her dinner last night!

Briceson waiting patiently. Actually he had been standing up in his chair playing the air guitar singing a song about picking up pine cones in the yard with his daddy. It was a nice song, but very loud.
This is what she does when we tell her to take a bite. It is quite the performance.
Sometimes I think she may realy be a living Cabbage Patch Doll. And yes she is wearing truck/car PJ's because Briceson out grew them and I can't bring myself to buy all new girl ones. Don't' worry we don't make her wear his hand me down cloths! Well not usually. : ) Notice the PERFECTLY matching bow. Yeah, I'm that awesome. Not really, it just happen to be the one laying in the floor when her hair was getting in the butter of her toast!
After 4 pieces of bacon this monster was all full and ready to start the day! So the Tornado we call our day began!

Briceson waiting patiently. Actually he had been standing up in his chair playing the air guitar singing a song about picking up pine cones in the yard with his daddy. It was a nice song, but very loud.

Love you all,
They are adorable Roxie!!! I hadn't seen pictures of them all grown up!