here he is. the new pup mutt. part schnauzer, part terrior (think oz's toto), part just plain great dog we think. his name is ralph, ralphie for short, ha. aka vomit if you are an olsen. or george as we catch ourselves calling him way too often. force of habit.
as i type he going a bit bizerk because i guess i left a cup of green tea on the floor and he drank it. is tea bad for dogs?
i am sure this will not be the only question of this type we will pose to all you experienced dog owners over the next umpteen years.
love and miss you.
ruff ruff bark meow.
...don't know about green tea, but I strongly recommend you refrain from giving him clam chowder...Zoie (is that how that's spelled?) was aparently "ralphing" clam chowder on my kitchen floor (at least she chose a non-carpted area!) this morning at 3:00 a.m. - Brannon got up to get some meds and stumbled upon it... Ralphie sure is a cute little guy - he does look like Toto (which, as you all know, is the co-star of one of Mom's all time favorite movies...but that's another story!) Love you all much!