the new street complete with primo view of houston skyline
and enter the front door... and the big big speakers courtesy of cody
important reading time place aka the amazing new couch we got for free and under the ugly blue velvet slip cover was a perfectly good white couch. hmm who'd have thought. but it was missing the back pillows so i made us some.
my studio (well one half of the living room) and me working away - this picture may or may not have been faked for your viewing purposes.
the kitchen from the back porch door. too many bikes? what to do? hang them from the kitchen ceiling duh.
and georges favorite lazy space. oh and codys studio which he has to share with me if i get too messy for the living room.
te amo and miss you
monkey lou
so one time i saw this cool spinning pot rack thing someone made out of a bike wheel. Maybe if you hung the bike horazontaly you could have two spinney pot rack thinges, and we all know two is better than one right! Love the shot of you" sewing" on the new machine. What you makin? I am in the great big middle of designing my very own Sock Monkey Owl. Well, it is an owl made from red heal socks, like the monkey. I didnt like any of the stupid patterns i found and thought I could do beter on my own. Plus, following a pattern is too much like working, and making up your own is more like playing? I spent many long hours thinking,drawing and planning out his little wings and beak. I know sad right. His Name is Wrigley and if all goes well and you can actualy tell he is an owl, i will put his pic on here for all to see and fall in love with. Him and I are pretty close these days. Daniel has been working a lot and now that I'm feeling a bit better, the L-O-N-L-E-Y is starting to set in, so i did what any rational peraon who spent many years growing up in B's new house would do. I made me a friend! : ) The new place looks pretty awesom, wish i could come and see it. I may even sleep in this one! : ) love you,
Rox, only you could spell things wrong in large, hyphenated letters with such confidence. Makes me smile!
ReplyDeleteLindz- The new place is FANTASTIC! The view is spectacular (albeit a little terrifying from my perspective), and the free couch is pretty great! Can't wait to come visit! I don't have pics of a great new place like the rest of you, but I do need to post pics of our newest member of the family! We have finally found something Owen loves more than TV- and Owen really loves TV! We've had to drag him in the door at dark because he refuses to leave Bear in the yard! He feeds him every morning and then sits cross-legged at the back door in his Pj's and watches him eat his breakfast. It's so sweet! I'll post pics soon!
Hey Monkey - Roxie's right, the new place doesn't look nearly as scarey as the last place (even from Katie's perspective I bet!) Cody looks right at home on the free couch! (a good place to crash when he comes home beat from a hard day of peddling for cash....)(Cody I promise I am not making fun of you ... I really do think it sounds like a great way to make some extra money and stay in shape all at the same time! Kind of like getting paid to work out!) Where was I? Oh, yes, the new place looks great! Lots of light, and very cheery! BSP and Milah's new digs are are way scarier right now! Quite the messs going on there! But they're working at it, while I babysit CJ, and they're making much headway, just hard to see the headway for all the old growing everywhere(that's "old" not "mold", although they did find some of that as well...)! The old house (or Brannon & Milah's new house, depending on your perspective...) sure needed some TLC. But it has way more potential than I could see when I was living inside it's walls! (okay, I never actually lived inside a wall...). Roxie I love the monkey-owl idea and love that I have such wonderfully creative kids! Although you may have all attained the creativity as a way to survive the dysfunction of your early years, it's a great thing to have! Kate we need pics of a boy and his dog, and you can throw one of his sister in too just for good measure! And Milah - get on board here and get some 1 year pics of CJ posted before she turns 2 (which will be way sooner than any of us expect!) - Love to all of you (ever last one!) - and thanks for blogging - it makes your Mama happy!
ReplyDeleteLinsdey - your place looks awesome! I particularly love the view and the BIG speakers!!! Compared to what we have going on your place is a friggin mansion. You're brother took some pics of the damage we have done to the place already and as soon as I get them I'll post them up for all to see and be updated. Love you soo much and wish you and Cody the best with your new place. Maybe if we can find some time in the next few weeks we can come visit... just don't hold your breath on that one, it's more wishful thinking. xoxo
ReplyDeletethanks for the well wishes all. kate, i can just picture owen sitting there watching bear. makes me happy for his new friend. and rox, lately ive just been making curtains and pillows and such but a new weaving project is underway with the upholstery fabric from brant (thanks brant). milah, i would say i would make a quick trip up there but i too understand the hectic of a move. we will just have to plan on arkansas visits.
ReplyDeleteon an other note: do not know how long my stay in houston might last. got a facebook message from 'aunt' amy reminding me she is only four hours away and her and the BOYS -ah- will stop in next time they are in houston, which sounds like a frequent thing. one visit and cody might say, "i'll start the truck, you start packing whats important". hehehe.
love you all.