A Blog for Nonnie

From all of us,We love you!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pics of the Homestead and Thai Peanut Noodles

This is a view from the road. Both of our cars fit in the garage! We were excited about that

This is the first time entering the front door. You can see th stairs and the dining room in the background.

This is the kids on the stairs. You can see into the livingroom also.

This is the back yard from one side. This is probably about 1/3 of the yard.

This is a view of the back yard from the other side.

This is the Sky Fort that Daniel built in the backyard. All of the kids, and I mean All the kids in the neighborhood seam to really enjoy it.

Thia Peanut Noodles

1/2 cup Chicken Broth
3 Tbsp. Creamy Peanutbutter
1-2 tsp. Sriracha Chili Sauce ( the one in the tall squeeze bottle with the Rooster on the front )
1 1/2 Tbsp. Honey
3 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
1 1/2 Tbsp. Fresh Ginger ( I cut it into small enough pieces to press threw the garlic press. I read once that about an inch of ginger once peeled and grated is about a Tbsp.)
3 cloves of Garlic pressed
8 0z linguine noodles ( if they were whole wheat this would make a complete protein with the peanut butter!)
Just wisk all this in a sauce pan till it starts to bubble. Then pour over drained noodles. I doubled it and used the entire box of noodles for my fam. yummy yummy.

The recipe came from a Food Blog called Our Best Bites. They have lots of good recipes that are on the Olsen Family October menu. I will let you know if anymore turn out good. I did make there Pumpkin Crumble the other day, but it wasn't anything to write home about. The temp is supposed to drop here on Wed. so we will be having there Smokey Bean and Bacon soup Wed or Thurs. I will let you know how it goes.

On another note...... As many of you know I entered two of my hats in the County Fair a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, I did not come home with a ribbon! I know, can you believe it. I mean, the judges must be blind, or dumb or both. But for real..... I am thinking you just can't get the full experience of one of my hats when it is laying flat on a table. I also think I entered it under the wrong category. I chose needle work, cause there were lots of crocheted thing in that one, but they were mostly blankets and Klenex box covers,a dn pot holders. I think next year ( yes I will try again, every year until those old lady's accept me! ) I will enter in the clothing and wearable category. There were a few yarn hats and scarfs in that category and they all won at least a 3rd place ribbon. My hats were on a shelf with all the Misc. needle work stuff, so i'm wondering if they were able to figure out they were hats. They could have thought they were some newfangled teapot cosy or something. Who, knows..... but I am excited to try again next year.

Red blood cell production is going good. I am feeling a little better each day. Hopefully before mom and dad come to visit I will be feeling good enough to cook up some yummy dinners and go to the beach. Ok, got to get. Briceson has a stomach bug and just ralfed all over the couch and himself. I got it cleaned up, but now he is laying on a clean blanket on the floor watching WonderPets, waiting for the next eruption. When he was puking, EveyLynn asked " Briceson leaking?" The dynamic between two two year olds is so funny. How they understand and relate to each other. Cracks me up.

Im going to put a couple pics of the new house on here cause Daniel taught me how last night, and I'm feeling pretty cool about my new skill. I have some better ones, but I am hoping to get them all organized and put into Picasa album or something before i send them.

Love and miss you all,


So..... I'm not as cool as I thought cause I can not get the pics to go at the end of the message and for the life of me can not get them in the order I want. Stupid, Stupid Blogger.

P.S. This last paragraph should have been up by the recipe, but It drifted down here some how. I'm really bad at this Blog stuff.

Ok, so here are the noodles I made. They were very good the next day also but I had to add about a Tbs. of water to loosen them up. The cilantro and peanuts really make them awesom. Isaiah loved the cilantro, but Ali ate them just plane, cause well, she is a plane kind of girl. : ) I only added 1 tsp of the hotsauce, but when I make it for mom and dad I think a bit more will be in order.

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