Briceson from his highchair at dinner " can i have a cookie now?"
Me " No, Briceson, you didn't eat your dinner so you can't have a cookie."
Briceson " Sure I can! " said with a big cheesy grin.
This was repeated several more times till he finally got it, and got down to go play.
Me upon catching Briceson pushing the buttons on the dishwasher:
" Briceson Gene, did you touch the dishwasher?"
Briceson as he jumps and quickly puts both hands behind his back " um....yes"
Me " why did you touch it, mommy has already spanked you two times for doing that"
Briceson still with his hands behind his back and looking at me with very big eyes and a puffed out bottom lip " I a baby mommy, I just a baby"
and then he put his arms around my neck and patted my back, and continued to remind me he is just a baby.
He did not get a spanking that time.
Briceson wile setting in my lap in the living room on Sunday morning. Daniel was changing EveyLynn's diaper. No one else was talking.
Briceson" Daddy, You are my Sunshine!" said with a big sweet grin
Daniel about cryed. Well not really cause he doesn't really do that, but he was speechless and smiled so big he looked as if he was going to burst.
It's so nice to give your blood, sweat, and hair ( mine all fell out from stress i'm sure) to a child to make sure they grow up to be happy, healthy, loving, compassionate adult, only to have them shower someone else with such sweet, spontaneous, and loving words! : )
Oh, well. Maybe one day I will be his Sunshine too!
Every single other conversation we have had with the boy for the past 3 weeks has contained " I don't like it" " I don't want to" " no" , or some form of all three so I will spare you the details of all of those.
Next Up : Potty Training!
I have decided i can put it off no longer cause he gets really mad and crys when he asks to go on the potty and I tell him he isn't old enough to use the big potty. So I give in and let him go, and he jumps up there, pees EVERY TIME and then gets down, closes the lid and flushes. Suppose that means he is ready? I'm not sure EveyLynn is aware she pees! Could be a wile for her. Maybe it will be better doing one at a time. I read some were that by the time a child is 2.5 they will have used 5,000 diapers. Thats 10,000 if you have 2-both ( that is EveyLynn's word she made up to refer to her and Briceson both) If i had time I would translate 10,000 diapers into a dollar amount for you all but E is in my lap and I am typing with one hand. I can't do math with one hand! Sorry, cause I know you all were extremely interested. But rest assured that my motivation to potty train is not related to the money, cause I have a potty training phobia ( thank you Alison for the super traumatic experience) and would gladly let them both stay in diapers till the 3rd birthday for sure. But Briceson has practly asked for " potty training" for Christmas, so........HERE WE GO!