Okay, I'm finally getting around to downloading and going through the pictures from Monkey's thesis show - there are some great pictures, but I thought for now I'd just post this one of Lindsey and Cody - 'cause I kind of like it! I sure wish Cody were coming with Lindsey next week so we could spend a little more time with him before the two of them head off for parts yet unknown!
Friday, June 25, 2010
R.I.P. Charlie the Hamster
Welcome back all! Well, our week began in tragedy. Our belove hamster, Charlie, passed away after two very long years! She was a good little hamster, living a quiet little life on the counter in the bathroom, where no one really enjoyed her presence and she stunk up the room. But she was happy. And the couple of times per week that the kids took a brief interest in her and stood long enough to pound on her cage and poke things in at her will be a lasting, loving memory for them both. Kam took her passing especially hard. You'd of thought that they were inseparable friends the way she sobbed over the news. Burial services were held on Monday evening, under a big cedar tree in the back yard. Kamryn and Owen officiated, and then placed flowers on the grave. Very sweet.
Kam insisted on calling everyone to share the news. Her conversation with her Nana had me fighting back tears (of laughter).
Kam: Know what Nana, Charlie died.
Nana: Oh Kamryn, I'm sorry you lost your hamster.
Kam: Oh no Nana, she's not lost, She's in a box down in a hole under the tree in the backyard. We didn't lose her, she just died because her heart stopped beeping.
I wanted to thank you all for your support. Two of my three siblings have already tried to pawn pets off on us to fill the void. So sweet! On a side note... our family will NEVER own a cat (nice try Lindz), but we may be welcoming a new member to the family soon, possibly a BEAUTIFUL Lab named Bear. (We're strongly considering it B!)
Anyhow, It's been nice catching up, hope everyone else has a chance to do the same! Love you all!
Is anyone still out there?
Good Morning my La Familia! Funny thing: we were in Austin a few months ago and we saw several of these big Gyms called LA Fitness. Well I was pretty sure because of my vast knowledge of grammar and all, that because there were no periods between the letters that it was a Mexican gym. You know like La Fitness. When Daniel's cousin Chris finally was able to stop laughing he informed me that it was LA like the city in California not La. Hum! I'm sure LOTS of people make that mistake! : ) Anyways, I was just checking to see if any of you were still out there. This poor blog is getting sad and lonely, so I thought I would put something on here. Lets, see. Well, I'm having coffee. And ummmmm, its good. And Alison is unloading the dishwasher, Isaiah is eating breakfast, Tweetel -Dee and Tweetel- Dumb are still in bed, and Daniel is still at work. He works nights and gets home around 9. Oh, we secured a house in Goldsboro! We are pretty excited about it. It is in a quiet little neighborhood with lots of trees and a huge yard. I think Daniel is more than a little excited to get to buy a riding lawn mower. This will be the 1st time on 11 years that we have lived off base. May take some getting use to, but I think we will be fine. I'm pretty sure the crime rate in Goldsboro is pretty mild considering it is smaller than Springdale, and it is the biggest town in a 50 mile radius. We are excited about renting, especially since it means we won't have to worry about selling a house when we move again. Wierd fact: Our new landlord is a 3 star General. The Highest Rank in any branch is a 4 star general, and there is only one of those in each branch. Daniel called him one day to inquire about the house, and he was as nice as can be. Then he emailed us some info about the house from his work email and we about fell over when we saw his rank. I'm hoping he will be a good land lord considering his High profile and position. Daniel has kept all of his civilian conversations on a Mr.---- level about the house, but we refer to him as " The General" in conversation. I have been keeping my eye on political and military news lately just to see if he I see him! : ) I will try and post a pic of the house at the end of this very long and boring message.
So, we haven't heard anything on the tests that EveyLynn had on Wednesday. FYI: they are testing her for Hirschsprund's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and a slew of other intestional stuff. They are thinking she isn't growing because a malabsorpution issue that could be caused by some of these digestive things. Her Dr. is on vacation for the next 3 weeks, but he said he would call as soon as he got the reports back. If I don't hear any thing by Monday I will assume he is having a really good vacation and has forgotten about us, so I will call his office.
Well, Daniel just got home, and the " Bobbsey Twins" are waking up, so I better get going. My house pretty much turns into a Cyclone from the time there feet hit the floor, so I need to go batten down the hatches and brace my self. I love you all and hope everyone can scrape together a few minutes to post on here more, me included! I miss you all something awful!
This is the Goldsboro House. the address is 204 hunters Creek, Goldsboro NC 27534. If you googel the address and then click on it you can do a street view of it.

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